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Have you ever felt alone? An outsider? LIKE The friend nobody likes? Yeah, me too! Although I know that all those thoughts are the devil trying to wear me down it still takes over my thoughts and attitude every now and then.

You see pictures of your friends hanging out via social media, maybe you were invited and maybe you weren’t. But then you start to think well it’s a good thing I’m not there because I would just be annoying or a presence that isn’t wanted.

We so often feel so alone or not enough when in reality we have the one who represents love and grace that is always with us. I read somewhere, “maybe god is making your circle smaller so He can spend more time with you”

I struggle with importance. Not being important enough to the people in my life. Coming in “second”. I always feel like they will have a better friend come along and that I am just wasted space. Now, I do know I have a purpose and I am loved but dang comparison can really make you second guess everything. Ultimately, comparison can ruin the good things in your life and stray you away from those that love you most. What I have learned in this past season are two things: 1. gods in my corner and he’s in yours as well. He will never leave you nor forsake you 2. You will never become second to yourself.

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