Today we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus! I recently heard, "for something to be resurrected, something must die first." Let that sink in.
When we decide to accept Jesus into our hearts and follow him, we lay our flesh down and acknowledge the sacrifice Jesus made on the cross and his resurrection to forgive us of our sins so that He sends his spirit to live within us (1 John 4:13). Our old life must die to resurrect our new life in Christ.
Jesus took this sacrifice knowing we would deny him, disregard him, live selfishly, and so much more. But just take a moment to realize how GOOD he is! Jesus loves us beyond all of that! When we feel and allow the enemy's lies to take control, Jesus knows the truth and is still right there with us.
The key to understanding his unconditional love for you is by inviting him into your life daily and opening his word. Life, truth, purpose, and direction are within the pages of the Bible! That's a choice we have to make daily.
What's an area of your life that needs resurrecting? Is it the relationship/friendship that is not playing out how you thought? The never-ending job search? Anxiety that you feel is uncontrollable? The spiritual warfare that has you crying, "Why God?" or the unexplainable hurt? I am here to tell you that the solution to your battle is Jesus! Go to him. Pray. Spend time in the word.
You have a purpose. A God-given talent. Our mission while on Earth is to spread the Good News!! As Jesus says to his disciples in Matthew 28:19, "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations." I pray that the Lord gives you the boldness to use your testimony, purpose, and gifts to share His word with those who don't know the unconditional love, grace, and mercy that is available to them through Jesus. 🦋🤍 #thankyoujesus#heisrisen